Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday (early)

Happy 30th Birthday to my amazing, adorable hubby.
I hope you had a wonderful time with all of our friends in Sunriver.

(Left to Right) Janelle, Jon & Little Logan, Joani(baby on the way, yet to be named), Mark, Jodi, Nate, little Bekah, little Emma Lou, Sam, and Robert.

Emma Lou
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Jodiferkay said...

Happy birthday to Robert! We had a great time this weekend, thanks so much for coordinating and all your hard work cooking! Thanks for sharing the pics too! Would you mind e-mailing me copies of the group photo/s and any you have of Bekah? Thx!

Mel G. said...

Hey Sam, sounds like you guys had a great time! I don't have email for Robert, so would you tell him Happy B-day for me! 30? Oh my word. How did that happen!